The Nordic Weather

5In the Nordic countries we tend to have all different types of weather during our four seasons. What we don’t have are the extreme weather conditions, like storms, hurricanes or typhoons. We just have big variations in temperature. From summers that can reach a bit over 30 degrees Celsius to winters that can reach the low 30 degrees Celsius. So that is more than 60 degrees difference during the 12 months of the year. But there are not many days that are that cold and not many days where the temperature reaches the 30ies. Most of the year the temperature difference is more from +20 to -15, so more like a 35 degrees difference.

For us it is extreme weather when the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, but the heat is nice and it is not that humid, so it is bearable, but as we don’t have air cons in our homes and not all cars are equipped with it, we tend to suffer during public transports, in our cars and in some offices and a lot of people sleep badly due to the fact that the homes are so hot at nights. We are much better equipped for the cold weather, we are used to dress properly, our houses have good insulation and good heating systems, so we are not so affected by this, except maybe on a mental level as the almost constant darkness makes a lot of people depressed. For our cold winters we have of course then a winter tyre that makes the driving safe. If you cut out the peaks of winter, we could in many cases manage with all weather tyres, which are tyres that are suited for being used both on winter and summer roads, but not suited for the most extreme winter conditions, but if we can avoid driving during those days and rely on other forms of transportation those days. Having only one set of tyres is very convenient and if you live in areas where the changes are not so dramatic, this would be my choice. However they tend to better choice the further south you live in our Nordic countries.

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